I never really knew the correct terminology for increased activity on any social media site the night of a big event.  The term “trendjacking” describes the act of capitalizing an existing news trend in order to boost one’s brand in the marketplace. This idea can help your brand or be used to diminish a particular brand. The outcome ultimately depends on how the message is conveyed to the intended audience. With trendjacking you get free publicity.  It could be good publicity or it could be bad publicity.  It is all up to the audience and how they perceive it. It can even reinforce or define an existing brand identity. Nowadays, you expect  more from advertising, with brands so accessible to people through social media, audiences think it is their right to respond to brands. A key element to “trendjacking” is playing with culture. You must know the culture that you are reaching.

One key thing to remember is that, if something is trending and it is relevant to your product or service, by all means jump on the bandwagon. But at what point do you draw the line?

During the FIFA World Cup, SuperBowl, any big Award Show, trendjacking is at its peak.  Next time you are on social media during a time that something major is happening,I would advise you to observe what people say, or observe what is trending at the moment.  You will quickly find out what everyone is talking about.  I know there is a section on Twitter where you can see all the Hashtags that are trending for the day.  This is a quick way to see what is “hot’ and what is “not”.  Whether you want to be in the “know” or just want to help your business, be more aware of what is going on. You never know, one day you could be trending.